

JoAnna Cintron JoAnna Cintron

Kidney Failure, Diet, and Race

Kidney failure is frequently associated with diet; unfortunately, Revision works in a community where diet-related illness is above average. Hispanics are also at a higher risk for kidney failure – in fact, according to the Journal of the National Medical Association, Hispanics are twice as likely to develop kidney failure than non-Hispanic whites, largely due to the increased prevalence of diabetes in the Hispanic population. Additionally, Hispanic patients are less likely than the general U.S. population to be screened for risk factors for kidney disease or receive optimal treatment after diagnosis.

It is for these reasons and more that Revision is proud to announce its newest corporate partner, DaVita. DaVita is a leading provider of kidney care in the United States, delivering dialysis services to patients with chronic kidney failure and end stage renal disease. DaVita strives to improve patients’ quality of life by innovating clinical care, and by offering integrated treatment plans, personalized care teams and convenient health-management services.

DaVita's Community Care is comprised of four essential components:

  1. Building a Community
  2. Building the Greatest Healthcare Community the World Has Ever Seen
  3. Being a Role Model for American Health Care
  4. Sending Forth Ripples of Citizen Leadership

First and foremost, DaVita would rather prevent disease than treat it, which is why they are sponsoring Revision’s programs that will lead to a healthier community!

Thank you DaVita!


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JoAnna Cintron JoAnna Cintron

Fishing Poles

We are all familiar with the well-traveled parable: “Give a man a fish, and you feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish, and you feed him for a lifetime.”  But how often do we actually carry this out in the way that we view charity, the way that we approach cycles of poverty both locally and abroad?  This may be easy to do on a small scale, but how do we succeed in doing it on a broad scale? And even if you teach a man to fish, he cannot fish without a fishing pole.

We are intentional about teaching people to create their own ‘fishing poles’ – that is, creating the means and resources to provide for themselves and their communities.


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